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Consultas - Audit s.r.o.

Consultas – Audit s.r.o. is a Czech auditing company, which operates in auditing and consulting already since the year 1994.

Our basic philosophy is the professional approach to the client. Our theoretical knowledge and practical experience for almost twenty years history of the company guarantee the quality of services provided.

Our company employs three certified auditors, registered at the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic (KAČR). One of the associates is also a tax advisor, registered at the Chamber of the Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic (KDPČR).

We provide services especially in the area of statutory audits including the preparation of consolidated financial statements, due diligence, accounting services and tax consultancy.

Consultas – Audit s.r.o.
IČO: 60469081
DIČ: CZ60469081
Certificate of the Chamber of auditors of the Czech republic no. 087
Registered in the company register – Municipal court in Prague,
section C, 25688

Certificate of Incorporation


Ing. Jaroslav Sůva
Director, associate
Auditor, certificate no. 2041
Mobile: +420 602 341 191
E-mail: j.suva@consultas.cz
Ing. Alexandra Slavíčková
Auditor, certificate no. 0538
Mobile: +420 602 148 522
E-mail: slavickova@consultas.cz
Ing. Marie Pradáčová
Auditor, certificate no. 2018
Mobile: +420 606 503 459
E-mail: m.pradac@consultas.cz
Ing. Miloslav Mošnička, CSc
Associate, member of the Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic
Tax adviser no. 000131
Mobile: +420 605 315 532
E-mail: mosnicka@quick.cz